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Rob Wilks

Clipper Contracting CSR Report 2019

Updated: Jan 23, 2020


2019 was the second year we have run our corporate social responsibility program and we have made further leaps both in philanthropy but also our commitment to the environment. We have built on the structure from 2018 but there is still plenty more to do.

2019 has seen us almost half our paper usage in our head office, raise or donate over £7000 towards good causes and introduce a number of new environmentally focused measures. Whilst 2019 can be seen as building on the success of 2018, we look forward to making further leaps in the years to come.

Our Acting Responsibly points

As part of our message to our stakeholders, we introduced our core values in 2018. We want these values to underpin everything the companies do and influence the decisions we make in the future. We continue to embrace these values.

Lead by example

Enhance stakeholder wellbeing / not just a number but a name

Do more with less

Economic, Social, Environmental contribution in 2019

Our nominated charities for 2019

It’s only by helping others that we can hope to make a difference to society. We see it as our duty to lead from the front in this respect and that’s why each year, we nominate two charities for whom we will concentrate our efforts throughout the year.

These remain unchanged for 2019.

Julia’s House Children’s hospices

Surfers Against Sewage

Key achievements and Initiatives 2019

‘Who gives a crap’ toilet paper: The toilet paper in our head office is now 100% recycled toilet paper. Not only is the paper itself made from recycled paper but it is delivered plastic free – both the individual roll packaging (paper) and the boxes it is delivered in (cardboard) are fully recycled. Additionally, 50% of the ‘Who gives a crap’ company profits are donated to help build toilets for those in need.

Introduction of hand dryers in all toilets: We have removed all paper towels for hand drying in all of our head office toilets. These have been replaced with energy-efficient hand dryers that will eventually be run on renewably sourced electricity.

Fund raising & donations: 2019 saw us either raise or donate over £7000.

Jurassic Coast trek: Once again, a number of our staff took part in this 26 mile trek along Dorset’s Jurassic coast. Taking part under the Julia’s House banner, they raised £1129.50 for our 2019 nominated charity.

Bournemouth half marathon: A number of staff not only did the required training but also raised a grand total of £2265.68 for Julia’s House.

Amazon Smile: Any office orders made through Amazon now automatically donate 1% of the spend towards our nominated charity, Julia’s House.

Plastic bag dispenser: This has been installed next to the front door of our head office to encourage people going out for lunch to pick up a used plastic bag on the way out!

First fully electric car in the company car fleet: We welcome the first fully electric car to the company car fleet. Whilst this will impact our electrical usage due to the at work charging, we hope to mitigate this with our change to renewable energy provider.

Goals and targets for 2020

Nominated charities for 2020:

We will continue to support both Julia’s House Children’s Hospice and Surfers Against Sewage. We wish to continue with both a local charity for which we can fundraise but then also another charity with an environmental focus.

Renewable electricity and carbon-offset gas:

Our 2-year energy contract is up for renewal in July 2020. We have committed to using a solely renewable energy provider for our electricity supply and carbon-offsetting our gas usage (the central heating is gas and therefore cannot be renewable) from this point onwards for our head office sites.

We will investigate our London office this year with a view of also changing the supplier.

‘Green week’ – 21st – 26th June 2020:

We have committed to a green week in 2020 in an attempt to instil more environmentally friendly practices not only in their work life, but also their personal lives.

Use of traditional milk bottles:

Commitment to using the milk service provided by a local shop for our head office site; this will reduce our plastic consumption in this area. The scheme uses glass bottles and a refill station.

If you'd like to partner with an FCSA umbrella company that takes its environmental and philanthropic duties seriously, then call Rob Wilks on 07824 638842 to find out more.

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