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Feedback Survey - We Asked, You Told...

We carried out a major survey of our clients to find out what they really thought of us – the good, the bad and the ugly! Our business would be nothing without ensuring that our customer satisfaction and retention rates are high, and we’re constantly seeking to better our services and offerings to ensure we’re continuing on this trend. After all, our company vision is to ‘make payments queryless’.

We offered no incentives for completing this survey, and no-one was obliged to get back to us, which made the results we had back all the more appreciated - a huge thank you again to those who took the time to respond.

So, by putting the questions out there - what did we learn?

On customer satisfaction:

Our overall NPS (Net Promotor Score) score was 81%. The premise of an NPS score is simple – how likely are you to refer our services to a colleague or friend? According to the website Retentely, ‘the average Net Promoter Scores for B2B industries range from 39 to 65’[i] so we were delighted to see we were in the high NPS category. While we’ll continue to aim for 100% - we were delighted with this high score as recommendations and word of mouth are highly valued. Marketing is one thing – word of mouth based on trust is another!

On retention:

58% of respondents have used us for 5 years or more

16% of respondents have been using us between 2-5 years

11 % of respondents have been using us between 1-2 years

15% of respondents less than 1 year

We were pleased to see the high percentages of long term relationships, which is testament to the relationships that we have built on trust. It’s important to note that this is a cross section of respondents, eg, it showed that our long term clients were also more likely to respond to the survey. With that in mind, the fact that 15% of respondents have only been using us for less than one year is also a positive indication of recent new business won, and long term relationships to come.

On what sets us apart from our competitors:

We asked for feedback regarding our ‘value add’ we provide. Our people and overall service came out on top, with a whopping 76% of respondents identifying this as our strongest asset!

(All options below were given as multiple choice, and the percentages are a reflection of those respondents that chose each option as a percentage of the total respondents)

Account Management Team - 76%

Service Levels – 50%

4pm Payroll Deadlines – 34%

Mobiles for Direct Contact – 31%

Automatic Registration Updates – 28%

Robust CIS Process - 23%

Our capacity for advising your business - 21%

Margins – 21%

One Click Sign Up - 18%

Ex Recruitment Background – 13%

Cyber Security Credentials – 7%

We have streamlined processes in place due to our bespoke CRM. While we’ve invested heavily on our back office support system, it’s pleasing to see that it’s our people who stand out – ultimately, communication is key and our focus on speaking to people over the phone, and face to face where possible as priority aids is in getting this communication out there.

On what we can be doing better:

From no set prompts, just a text box, the words ‘happy’ & ‘nothing’ came up the most frequently.

On how would you describe us in 3 words?

With no suggestions/multiple options or prompts, the top volume of words returned were ‘efficient, friendly and reliable’ Full word cloud of our answers below:

Since conducting the survey we’ve rolled out more innovations, such as our live webchat that can translate in over 45 different languages, so while pleased with the overall feedback of this survey, we’re not stopping! We’re committed to constant improvements to our customer experience and to work towards our goal of making payments queryless.

If you have any additional feedback please do let us know – or call your dedicated point of contact on their mobiles, or 01305233170.


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